Archive for camping checklist

Camping Checklist: What to Pack on Your Next Camping Trip

When it comes to camping, preparation is a necessity. To help you pack for your big trip, we’ve compiled a camping checklist full of must-have items you won’t want to forget. Bear in mind these items will differ depending on factors like the season or number of people going, so make adjustments accordingly.


When packing clothes, keep comfort and protection in mind. While you may enjoy wearing flip-flops at the beach, you will definitely want a pair of tennis shoes for hikes or long walks.

Essential clothing items include:
  • Tennis shoes/hiking boots
  • Sandals
  • Jeans
  • Shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Socks (bring extra)
  • Sun hat
  • Sweatshirt/jacket
  • Rain jacket
  • Underwear (bring extra)
  • Swimsuit
  • Towels


Instead of just packing a bunch of food and hoping for the best, plan out your meals beforehand. That way, you will know exactly which ingredients and supplies to pack.

Cooking items you will want to bring include:
  • Water
  • Ingredients and food to make all of the meals you planned
  • Cooking supplies you will need to make your meals (stove, pots, etc.)
  • Portable countertop/storage cabinets (My Camp Kitchen offers portable kitchens to keep your cooking supplies organized)
  • Plates, utensils, cups, and napkins
  • Firewood
  • Charcoal
  • Marshmallow sticks
  • Coolers and ice
  • Garbage bags

Personal Items

While you might not get to enjoy the luxuries of everyday life, you still want to bring the basic necessities to make your trip a pleasant one.

Personal items you might want to consider packing include:
  • Sunscreen
  • First-aid kit
  • Insect repellent
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Toiletries
  • Camera
  • Personal medications
  • Phone
  • Flashlight/lantern
  • Activity items (fishing poles, games, etc.)
  • Tools


Are you sleeping in a camper, or do you plan to stay in a tent? Make sure you’re adequately prepared to sleep comfortably no matter what type of shelter you’re planning to camp in.

Items you could bring include:
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sheets
  • Blankets/comforters
  • Pillows
  • Air mattress and air pump


It’s easy to get lost when you’re camping in unfamiliar territory.

Make sure to include these items when you pack:
  • GPS
  • Compass
  • Map

Be prepared for anything on your next camping trip. Packing the necessities will ensure a much smoother and more enjoyable time for everyone!

For more information on how to camp, check out our other posts:

How to Camp: Top 5 Tips for Camping

Swimming in the lake, roasting marshmallows, playing games—what’s not to love about camping? Camping can be ridiculously fun and is a great way to spend quality time with friends and family. To enjoy your trip as much as possible, you should carefully prepare beforehand. If you’re new to camping and aren’t sure how to plan for your camping trip, here are five basic how-to-camp tips that will help make your adventure stress-free.

1. Bring a first-aid kit

Whether you’re out in the middle of nowhere or spending time in a nice, familiar campground, you will want to bring a first-aid kit. Some of the items you should include are prescriptions, Band-Aids, aspirin, antiseptic creams, ointments, sterile wipes, rinse solutions, tweezers, and scissors.

2. Plan activities

More than likely, you’ll have plenty of free time on your camping trip. Fill up those hours where you have nothing planned with a fun game or group activity! Cards are perfect because they don’t take up a lot of space and you can use them to play a variety of different games. Other activities you might consider include swimming, hiking, and canoeing.

3. Pack lightly

People tend to overpack, thinking they are playing it safe. They regret that decision once their camper feels way too crowded. Pack only the essentials, but make sure you are prepared for both warm days and cold nights.

4. Plan out each meal

Planning meals ahead of time will prevent you from running out of food or packing too much. Take into account that some people on your trip may want seconds or even thirds.

5. Always pack bug spray and sunscreen

Out of all the miscellaneous items you pack for your camping trip, you’ll be most grateful for your bug spray and sunscreen. Find a bug spray that contains 20 percent or more DEET and be sure your sunscreen has at least 30 SPF.

Being prepared is an essential part of camping. Follow these five camping tips and make your trip an experience you’ll cherish forever!

For more information on how to camp, check out our other posts: